You teach a class right next door to my office AU
Wounded soldier and nurse AU
Chauffeur for a mafia hitman/woman AU
Awkwardly walked in on someone crying in the bathroom AU
I work late a lot and your restaurant is the only that delivers at 2 AM AU
We hooked up randomly at a party once and it turns out you’re friends with my brother AU
Asked a random stranger for help selecting a greeting card AU
Both the last runners in a marathon but determined to at least beat each other AU
Charity date auction AU
Spilled your wine down the front of my dress at a fancy party AU
My mom is dating your dad AU
The portrait you painted of me in school is now super famous AU
Helped you pick out clothes to wear on a date with someone else AU
Answered your call for a pick-up from a drunken party even though you’re my brother’s friend and I’ve only met you once because it sounded like you really needed to get out of there AU
You sit beside me on the train and your perfume/cologne smells so amazing I can’t stop thinking about it AU
Dracula won’t stop hitting on me at this costume party AU
I brought kids to trick or treat at your door and you didn’t have any candy AU
Met while trying to set both of our roommates up with internet dates AU
Our apartments face one another AU
I recognized your subtly placed nerd paraphernalia AU