читать дальшеAU where people age until they reach 18 and then stop aging until they meet their soul mate so they can grow old together. i’d never die but imagine already being in a relationship at 18 and then at 22 you’re both sitting there looking at each other and realizing that you both haven’t aged a day imagine platonically moving in with ur best friend at 18 and then realizing a few years later that you’ve been aging together imagine purposely never finding your soul mate so you can reign eternal holy shit i think we may have stumbled upon the greatest romance/adventure concept ever What if you killed your soul mate so you’d make sure you never aged. This just makes me really want a story where the main antagonist is someone who has been killing their soulmate for centuries whenever they find them, and the main protagonist is the newly re-incarnated version of their soulmate okay but you guys dont realize the potential.
imagine meeting a handsome young man who’s seen as a player and sleeps around a lot and you notice a scar along his arm and ask where he got it. he just look down at his feet and said “i used to be a soldier in world war one”. He’s been sleeping around and hooking up so much cause he’s been trying to find his soulmate for years but hasn’t yet.
Imagine going on your first date with someone and you really hit it off and then the next day you notice a grey hair and call them on the phone excitedly screaming and they both just sit on the phone hysterically crying and laughing.
Imagine sitting in silence with your partner and having them say out of the blue “i feel so old when im around you… but… in a good way” and thats the moment you know that they love you.
imagine having a dog thats 18 in human years and it starts to get gray patches of fur because they loves you so much.
imagine noticing you look older and freaking out but then stopping and getting super confused because “im not dating anyone right now…. which of my friends is my soulmate… WHICH ONE IS IT!?!?!?” and then they hopelessly date everyone they know in order to find out which one it fucking was. it was the pizza delivery guy the whole time. they went on 27 dates that all ended in confusion and heartbreak and it was the god damn pizza delivery guy from a month ago the whole fucking time.
imagine someone dating their partner for 5 years and then having an affair. only after the affair do they start aging.
imagine nuns who start to age after they ceremoniously “marry god”
imagine people getting surgeries to look older cause they dont want people to think theyre alone.
imagine having parents who wont let you date anyone but they start to notice you aging and then you have to have a terrifying “surprise im gay and i have a boyfriend haha oops” conversation
imagine seeing couples with teenage kids and the couple both looks 18.