воскресенье, 26 июня 2016
генератор милThe well-meaning and polite regular guy who tries to live up to their earlier success and who is avoiding an arranged marriage.
The whiz-kid who has a treasured personal weapon and who just needs a mentor.
The family man who surprises people with their ability to survive.
The serial killer who is seeking True Love.
The moody art student who is a gossip and who somehow manages to be a superhero.
The morally ambiguous henchman who has to prove their worth and who is driven insane by their strange powers.
The loudmouthed opportunist with a heart of gold whose actions make them a monster and who only gets loud because they care.
The wacky yet brilliant doctor who has an unusual scar from an equally unusual incident.
The mysterious elderly wizard who awaits the perfect student.30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge 30 Day Art Challenge: Draw all the things